My Story
My Story
one of many

Our Government, & Governors like Jed Bush & their HealthCare Administration has
What our Government  "Does NOT"  want tax payers to know

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Are People Dying on Medicaid?
Are people getting the Proper help they really need, & far TOO LATE...?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR OF THIS WEBSITE:                                                                     About My Disease  

I want you to read about me first, so that you will understand who I am a little, before you start passing stones. I am not the best writer.  I do have problems now with words, so you will just have to over-look this in my writing.  yes, I guess I wrote a lot here, but then I have some things to say that I feel are important.  Right, wrong, or indifferent, it is my story, and so I will risk some self pride by telling you as much as I can about myself and my circumstances that has lead me to such drastic actions.

The circumstances about myself on this first page have nothing to do with why I needed assistance, nor the problems I have had with it.  It is only to share some of my life with you up to that point. On the next page, I will share those problems. There are those that feel that if someone is on assistance, they must be lazy, drunk, take drugs, are co-dependant on others, or completely uneducated to do better for themselves; for being in such a situation. And then their are those that smirk and really think, "it would never happen to me" syndrome.  I want you to understand that there are many reasons why people are in these situations.

Of course not everyone feels that way, but these are some of the images our society has marked with those that are in need.  Although I may have issues, I was no different than many out there, and still I am not. I am an average citizen, just trying to be productive in life, trying to become more self reliant due to an illness, and only wants the opportunity to enjoy my loving family (kids) without additional hardship (that comes within the system of it all). To enjoy my life again, completely independently of any assistance, and to enjoy my community and in the country that I love. Yet the same country I love, is creating hardship in programs that are suppose to be helping, so people like myself, and mostly those who have it even worse, can have that same opportunity again in their life. I assure you that I hardly have ever drink, (never developed a taste for alcohol), I hate drugs, I hate having to ask for help, and I do not want to be co-dependant on anyone or anything...

Its up to each person, as an individual human being,  to make their life happy and functional in a healthy manner.  But for those who need assistance, where things happen beyond their control, that assistance is suppose to be there because of the hardship, not to create additional hardships and emotional trauma.  This is not the way to help someone less fortunate, or someone who has earned such rights in that assistance through age or through the hardship of war.  This is not the way to help the needy, much less honor our heroes, especially those who are homeless and are struggling now ONLY because of the duties and obligations placed upon them in order to served to our country.  We are one of few countries where any single human being can make a difference.  Any one of us are free to climb any mountain in life and any level we choose.  We are free to build our own empires, and just as free to be self destructive to yourself and so many times to others.

 There are those who are born with silver spoons in their mouths, and those born into poverty. Those in poverty can still climb that mountain, just as silver spoons can tarnish through the actions they choose in life and through self destruction.  While the opportunities for those less fortunate are measurability harder to achieve without some form of help, I believe, it is possible for anyone, including myself. to live life productively, if they only want to. Sometimes, people just need help to get there..... To make that difference.  Every single human being at some point needs help. May have families who offer this. Some have friends.  Even those that say, I ever asked anyone for anything, is not being truthful to themselves.  It is impossible to go through life, without having to have had help along with way. Its just impossible. Anyone who thinks such, is either very self centered, or very ungrateful.  Because it is impossible.

No one man can stands alone. No man is an island. There are times where people need one another.  No matter how rich, how strong, no matter what characteristics one has, there are times where as human beings, we need one another.  As a country, and the richest country in the world, we should all be ashamed that we are allowing our elected officials to manage such programs the way they do.  And I am asking, and pleading with citizens to do do something about it....  Not tomorrow, but today. Not to turn the other way, or pass the buck as the government does. But to also take responsibility as a tax payer, but even more, as a human being....

And I am asking that like in the movie "paying forward", this holiday, to open your hearts, and to be grateful. to help those you love that may have it less fortunate, maybe to help make a difference in their life, where they might not have had quite as much opportunities than you...  Maybe they didn't have the same doors open than you did. Maybe they did, and worked twice as hard to open that door, but didn't understand or have the insight you have; to have seen the door open.  That if you are one of the more fortunate people, who climbed that mountain, maybe its time to pay forward in appreciation to those less fortunate.  YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING.  No one will make you.  It will have to be within yourself and your heart to feel the need.  How big is your heart? How big of a human being are you to the ones you really love, or who really love you?  It's out of love, companion, and deep appreciation, as a human being to look in your own heart and mirror...  Ask yourself this holiday, have you paid forward or returned back in life, what life gave you.  I didn't say you might not have earned it.  I say, ask yourself this holiday, have you paid forward or returned back in life, what life gave you. 

Anyway, I will tell you about myself, my condition, and about this Medicaid and Disability Program first hand.  The government can tell tax payers, oh, we offer this and this for the needy.  next time they open their mouth to the public, I hope some one will have enough common sense, to say, "great, let me take a good look at those guild lines and THE FINE PRINT!

YOU decide how fair or unfair it is.  I already know. When you see how discriminating it is and how government guild lines are written, not to weed out those that abuse it.  Instead see how own government is purposely sabotaging, emotionally traumatizing, & discriminating against those they are suppose to be helping.  Maybe you will finally understand why you keep hearing talk about so many people being homeless and how many of the families got that way when we pay taxes especially for things like this from happening in our country. 

Next page >>>


NOTICE:  If you have experienced continuous problems with Medicaid and/or Disability that you feel are life threatening, creating additional hardship due to the discriminating guidelines, if you have lost a love one due to poor medical care, have become worse due to poor attention or lack of proper doctor care, or have received poor medical attention with doctors and/or with needed medications to ensure and maintain a health condition, "beyond" reasonable and normal assistance in dealing with these issues because of Medicaid/disability guild-lines and problems within the system, and/or feel discriminated against in the disability claim methods and guidelines, or know someone who has been experiencing the same or similar difficulties in and with disability and or Medicaid, please email me. And please post your story on our message board

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