Buy A Government Offical

 Look who's in charge?

 Congress in The Night Before Christmas

 Write Your own Bill


Merry Christmas  to everyone....       I wish you a very joyful holiday................            Please take the time to read this website & show it to as many people as you can.    THANK YOU!                                December  2002   

& It Is Your Problem Too

Our Government, & Governors like Jed Bush & their HealthCare Administration has

What our Government "Does NOT" want tax-payers to know

N E W S    R E L E A S E

Are People Dying on Medicaid ?

Our own government is purposely sabotaging, emotionally traumatizing,
& discriminating against those they are suppose to be helping

If you are a doctor
Please post your story above as well

If you are a doctor who has had to deal with Medicaid in the past, or who excepts Medicaid presently, most likely you know what I am talking about on this website.  The reasons why doctors cannot stay in the system.  The reasons why people in the system are not getting proper medical attention.  Not all, but many that need it.  Please take a moment to tell us your story. Even if you do not want to disclose who you are, you can give us more input, and let the public really know what is going on. Tell us what kind of doctor you are, in what state at least, and what you have experienced.   Thank you

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